Chevrolet Captiva Manuals

Chevrolet Captiva Service & Repair Manual: Parking Brake Cable R&R



1. Disable the parking brake cable adjuster.
2. Turn the ignition to the OFF position.
3. Raise and support the vehicle.
4. Disconnect the parking brake cable nut (1) from the electronic parking brake control module spindle by rotating the nut counterclockwise, Fig. 1.
5. Disconnect the parking brake cable and position the cable aside.
6. If unable to disconnect the parking brake cable from the electronic parking brake control module, it may be necessary to manually release the parking brake cable tension, noting following:
  a. Remove the electronic parking brake control module front cover.
  b. Perform the manual parking brake cable tension release procedure.
7. Remove the parking brake cable forward bracket bolt (1), Fig. 2.
8. Lower the rear suspension support approximately 6-10 inch to access the parking brake cable fasteners.
9. Remove the parking brake cable lower support bracket bolt (1), Fig. 3.
10. Remove the parking brake cable upper support bracket bolt (1), Fig. 4.
11. Disconnect the parking brake cable from the right rear parking brake cable connector (1), Fig. 5.
12. Using the CH-37043 Parking Brake Cable Release Tool, compress the locking tabs on the left rear parking brake cable conduit (1) and remove the parking brake cable from the support bracket, Fig. 6.
13. Disconnect the left rear parking brake cable from the parking brake cable equalizer.
14. Disconnect the left parking brake cable eyelet (1) from the parking brake actuator, Fig. 7.
15. Using the CH-37043 Parking Brake Cable Release Tool, remove the parking brake cable (2) from the parking brake cable bracket, Fig. 7.
16. Remove the parking brake cable from the rear suspension support.


Ensure the park brake cable fitting is engaged in the actuator in the spindle.
When installing the parking brake intermediate cable nut to the electronic park brake module spindle, hold the spindle housing securely to avoid distorting the housing.
1. Install the parking brake cable assembly to the vehicle.
2. Connect the left parking brake cable eyelet to the parking brake actuator.
3. Install the left parking brake cable to the parking brake cable bracket.
4. Ensure the locking tabs on the cable conduit are securely engaged to the cable bracket.
5. Connect the left rear parking brake cable to the parking brake cable equalizer.
6. Install the parking brake cable to the support bracket.
7. Ensure the locking tabs on the left rear parking brake cable conduit are securely engaged to the support bracket.
8. Connect the parking brake cable to the right rear parking brake cable connector.
9. Install the parking brake cable upper support bracket bolt and torque to 18 ft. lbs.
10. Install the parking brake cable lower support bracket bolt and torque to 18 ft. lbs.
11. Install the rear suspension support.
12. Install the parking brake cable forward bracket bolt and torque to 18 ft. lbs.
13. Inspect the O-ring seals on the electronic parking brake control module spindle and the parking brake cable for damage and correct positioning and replace, if necessary.
14. If removed, install the electronic parking brake control module front cover.
15. Install the parking brake cable fitting to the spindle.
16. Connect the parking brake cable nut to the electronic parking brake control module spindle by rotating the nut clockwise and torque to 53 inch lbs.
17. Enable the parking brake cable adjuster.


Warning: Avoid taking the following actions when you service wheel brake parts: Do not grind brake linings, do not sand brake linings and do not clean wheel brake parts with a dry brush or with compressed air.
Warning: Some models or aftermarket brake parts may contain asbestos fibers which can become airborne in dust. Breathing dust with asbestos fibers may cause serious bodily harm. Use a water-dampened cloth in order to remove any dust on brake parts. Equipment is available commercially in order to perform this washing function. These wet methods prevent fibers from becoming airborne.

Lefthand Side

1. Disable the parking brake cable adjuster.
2. Turn the ignition to the OFF position.
3. Raise and support the vehicle.
4. Remove the tire and wheel assembly.
5. Disconnect the parking brake intermediate cable nut (1) from the electronic parking brake control module spindle by rotating the nut counterclockwise, Fig. 8.
6. Disconnect the parking brake intermediate cable and position the cable aside.
7. Remove the intermediate parking brake cable forward bracket bolt (1), Fig. 9.
8. Lower the rear suspension support approximately 6-10 inch to access the parking brake cable fasteners.
9. Remove the intermediate parking brake cable lower support bracket bolt (1), Fig. 10.
10. Remove the intermediate parking brake cable upper support bracket bolt (1), Fig. 11.
11. Disconnect the intermediate parking brake cable from the right rear parking brake cable connector (1), Fig. 12.
12. Using the CH-37043 Parking Brake Cable Release Tool, compress the locking tabs on the left rear parking brake cable conduit (1) and remove the parking brake cable from the support bracket, Fig. 13.
13. Disconnect the left rear parking brake cable from the parking brake cable equalizer.
14. Disconnect the left parking brake cable eyelet (1) from the parking brake actuator, Fig. 14.
15. Using the CH-37043 Parking Brake Cable Release Tool, remove the parking brake cable (2) from the parking brake cable bracket, Fig. 14.
16. Remove the intermediate parking brake cable from the rear suspension support.
17. Separate the intermediate and rear left parking brake cables.
Ensure the park brake intermediate cable fitting is engaged in the actuator in the spindle.
When installing the parking brake intermediate cable nut to the electronic park brake module spindle, hold the spindle housing securely to avoid distorting the housing.
1. Connect the intermediate and rear left parking brake cables.
2. Connect the left parking brake cable eyelet to the parking brake actuator.
3. Install the left parking brake cable to the parking brake cable bracket.
4. Ensure the locking tabs on the cable conduit are securely engaged to the cable bracket.
5. Connect the left rear parking brake cable to the parking brake cable equalizer.
6. Install the parking brake cable to the support bracket.
7. Ensure the locking tabs on the left rear parking brake cable conduit are securely engaged to the support bracket.
8. Connect the intermediate parking brake cable to the right rear parking brake cable connector.
9. Install the intermediate parking brake cable upper support bracket bolt and torque to 18 ft. lbs.
10. Install the intermediate parking brake cable lower support bracket bolt and torque to 18 ft. lbs.
11. Install the intermediate parking brake cable forward bracket bolt and torque to 18 ft. lbs.
12. Install the rear suspension support.
13. Inspect the O-ring seals on the electronic parking brake control module spindle and the parking brake intermediate cable for damage and correct positioning and replace, if necessary.
14. Install the parking brake intermediate cable fitting to the spindle.
15. Connect the parking brake intermediate cable nut to the electronic parking brake control module spindle by rotating the nut clockwise and torque to 53 inch lbs.
16. Install the tire and wheel assembly.
17. Enable the parking brake cable adjuster.

Righthand Side

1. Disable the parking brake cable adjuster.
2. Turn the ignition to the OFF position.
3. Raise and support the vehicle.
4. Remove the tire and wheel assembly.
5. Disconnect the right parking brake cable eyelet (1) from the parking brake actuator, Fig. 15.
6. Using the CH-37043 Parking Brake Cable Release Tool, remove the parking brake cable (2) from the parking brake cable bracket, Fig. 15.
7. Lower the rear suspension support approximately 6-10 inch to access the parking brake cable fasteners.
8. Remove the right parking brake cable lower support bracket bolt (1), Fig. 16.
9. Remove the right parking brake cable upper support bracket bolt (1), Fig. 17.
10. Disconnect the intermediate parking brake cable from the right rear parking brake cable connector (1), Fig. 18.
11. Using the CH-37043 Parking Brake Cable Release Tool, compress the locking tabs on the right rear parking brake cable conduit (1) and remove the parking brake cable from the support bracket, Fig. 19.
1. Install the right parking brake cable to the support bracket.
2. Ensure the locking tabs on the right rear parking brake cable conduit are securely engaged to the support bracket.
3. Connect the intermediate parking brake cable to the right rear parking brake cable connector.
4. Install the right parking brake cable upper support bracket bolt and torque to 18 ft. lbs.
5. Install the right parking brake cable lower support bracket bolt and torque to 18 ft. lbs.
6. Install the rear suspension support.
7. Connect the right parking brake cable eyelet to the parking brake actuator.
8. Install the parking brake cable to the parking brake cable bracket.
9. Install the tire and wheel assembly.
10. Enable the parking brake cable adjuster.

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Fig. 3

Fig. 4

Fig. 5

Fig. 6

Fig. 7

Fig. 8

Fig. 9

Fig. 10

Fig. 11

Fig. 12

Fig. 13

Fig. 14

Fig. 15

Fig. 16

Fig. 17

Fig. 18

Fig. 19

Replacing the parking brake cable in a Chevrolet Captiva involves a systematic approach outlined in the service manual. Begin by parking the vehicle on a level surface and engaging the parking brake to prevent the vehicle from rolling during the procedure. Put on safety gloves and eye protection before starting.

Locate the parking brake cable under the vehicle, typically running from the parking brake lever to the rear brakes. Depending on the Captiva's configuration, the cable may pass through various brackets or guides along its route. Inspect the cable for any signs of damage, wear, or corrosion that may necessitate replacement.

Next, disconnect the parking brake cable from both the parking brake lever and the rear brake assembly. This may involve loosening adjustment nuts or removing retaining clips to free the cable ends. Take note of the cable's routing and positioning to ensure proper installation of the new cable.

Install the new parking brake cable by following the reverse steps of removal. Begin by attaching the cable to the rear brake assembly, ensuring it is routed correctly through any brackets or guides. Then, connect the cable to the parking brake lever, adjusting the tension as needed to achieve proper parking brake operation.

Once the new cable is securely installed and adjusted, test the parking brake to ensure it engages and releases smoothly. Make any final adjustments if necessary, and then lower the vehicle from the jack stands. Double-check that all components are properly tightened and secured before operating the vehicle.

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